Athena Leila Photography

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Photographing Your Baby at Home

Many clients ask for recommendations on the best locations to capture their babies & families. While there are many gorgeous locations in the Tampa Bay Area, the best location in my honest opinion, is actually your home. Here are eight benefits to capturing your baby at home:

Why should I have my baby photographed at home?

  1. You can stay in your usual daily routine ~ I can arrive at the most convenient time for your baby. The best time to capture your baby’s blossoming little personalities is usually well before or after thier nap .

  2. You do not have to commute to a different location ~ The car ride alone can upset and disrupt your darlings mood or make them sleepy, which can possibly result in a grumpy baby upon arrival.

  3. You do not have to worry about the weather or other outdoor elements ~ Your home is a controlled environment. Things like rain, wind or too much sun are of no concern to you. Outdoor temperatures being too hot or cold, itchy grass or any other unfamiliar elements won’t be an issue.

  4. Your home is the most familiar place for your baby ~ your don’t have to worry about how your baby will react to new and unfamiliar surroundings, sounds, people, etc. Some babies tend to act differently when they are outside of their most familiar place and might tend to become more shy, fearful or quiet, thus making it a bit more challenging to capture their natural temperament.

  5. Your home is the most comfortable place for your baby ~ Just like with newborn sessions, your home is the most comfortable place for your baby because it has everything that they might need; such as, their crib, your soft couches and rugs, favorite blankets, toys and pacifiers. They will typically be the most happy and display their little personalities best at home.

  6. You have the ability to take breaks to fulfill your baby’s needs ~ You can take random breaks if needed to change your baby’s diapers or clothing. You can stop to give your baby snacks, milk or anything else that they might need right out of your own refrigerator or pantry.

  7. You can incorporate your home into the session ~ No need for artificial props or accessories. No need for posing. Your family can actually be their natural and authentic selves. Your entire home can be used. Various couches, the pretty rug on the floor, the coffee table, your baby’s nursery, your kitchen. All I need is window light to capture bright and beautiful images.

  8. Your can save memories of your home and/or your baby’s nursery ~ When capturing your baby at home in their environment, you will always have the memories of what your home used to be when they were very young.

Want to book a lifestyle newborn / older baby session in your home?

Click the link below: