Athena Leila Photography

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Photographing Children and Horses

“The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit and freedom,” ~ Sharon Ralls Lemon.

Horses are beautiful and majestic animals; therefore, it’s no surprise that most children love them. Capturing horses in family sessions with children is a magical experience so when this family reached out about scheduling a session at the local Country Club, I was all about it.

I have been photographing this family since their girlies were newborns and have photographed several of their family sessions throughout the years. Since the girls are taking horseback riding lessons, the family decided to do their annual portraits at the horse stable. When we first started the session it was sunny but then the clouds quickly rolled in and it began to rain. Thankfully we had a covered area and continued our shoot underneath the pavilion. The girls were mostly mesmerized by the beautiful white horse but they also loved hugging her, watching her eat and walking her all around the area.

Check out the sneak peeks below :-)