Down Syndrome Diagnosis Story: End the Stereotypes

Down Syndrome Diagnosis

In light of World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st, I am calling for people around the world to End The Stereotypes! (

I’m also sharing my story with others who might be receiving a diagnosis and also to spread awareness to shatter negative misconceptions surrounding Down Syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21.

*So what exactly is Down Syndrome? Down Syndrome is the most common genetic disorder in the United States and around the world. Babies born with Down Syndrome have a 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome in some or all of their cells and is characterized by certain physical traits and attributes. According to the CDC, “approximately one in every 772 babies in the United States is born with Down syndrome, making Down syndrome the most common chromosomal condition. About 5,100 babies with Down syndrome are born in the United States each year. (De Graaf et al., 2022).” (

*Here’s my story: Last year, I gave birth to a beautiful little boy, who happens to have Down Syndrome. During my pregnancy, I took an NIPT (Non Invasive Prenatal Testing), which checked my blood for potential genetic abnormalities & chromosomal disorders by studying my fetus’ DNA. One week later, I received a phone call confirming that my test came back 98.3% positive that my beautiful baby boy would have Down Syndrome. I was then referred to Advanced Fetal Medicine, where I was encouraged to get an amniocentesis to confirm these results and obtain an official diagnosis. I refused the invasive test because of the 1% chance that the amniotic sac could rupture during the procedure, and because I knew deep inside my heart that I would love my son if he received this diagnosis or not. Me and my husband made the decision to wait until birth to obtain an official diagnosis.

World Down Syndrome Day: End The Stereotypes

I still remember the deep pain I experienced in the early days of my pregnancy, especially after being told all of the horrible and negative things associated with Down Syndrome. The Advanced Fetal Medicine Doctors mentioned elective abortion, which was an absolute: No! I loved my baby boy already and could not fathom ending his life. Even still, I cried. For months, I struggled with crippling fear, anxiety and sadness and went through a grieving process of sorts. I had no idea of knowing the beauty of what laid ahead. I devoured every online article, story, testimony and bible verse. I prayed daily for each of us and especially for my little boy. There’s some scary stuff out there on the web but the stories from families who walked through these waters resonated with me most and gave me a glimmer of hope and something to look forward to in my future. I slowly came to acceptance and trusted that God does not make mistakes and I knew that if my son had Down Syndrome, he would be incredibly perfect to us and so deeply loved. We went though the rest of the pregnancy not knowing if he had it; however, around 20 weeks gestation, it was confirmed that he did have an AVSD (Atrial Ventricular Septal Defect/Congenital Heart Defect), which was common for children with Down Syndrome so we went about the pregnancy assuming he most likely would have it. He had no other soft markers on any other ultrasounds. So we waited, patiently, for his arrival.

When he was born, the first thing I did before they whisked him away to the NICU for testing, was to grab his little hand to see if he had Down Syndrome. In that moment, when I saw that single line across his hand, the Palmer Crease, I knew that he had it and that my life was forever changed, for the better! We named him Lucas (meaning the bringer of light) Asher (meaning happiness & blessed). And let me tell you, he has truly lived up to his name. He has brought his endless light, unbelievable love and pure joy to our entire family! We are beyond blessed to have this tiny soul, who happens to have Down Syndrome, in our lives!

Our little guy did have his fair share of health issues after birth but that didn’t stop him from being an incredible human being. He spent his first 28 days in the NICU due to feeding issues associated with his heart condition and he eventually needed a g-tube (gastrointestinal tube) to ensure he would obtain adequate nutrition after leaving the hospital. Although he had a few extra needs (i.e. g-tube feedings & extra appointments with his pediatrician, cardiologist, speech & physical therapists), he was and still is one of the greatest gifts we could’ve ever received, and we wouldn’t change him for the world! As an infant, he was like any of my other babies reaching milestones; such as, smiling, laughing, cooing, babbling, sitting up, rolling over, moving around and saying words. At 7 months old, he had his Open Heart Surgery to correct his heart defect and praise be to God, it was successfully repaired. Several months later, the g-tube was removed and he has flourished in so many incredible ways!

This little heart warrior of ours is now a newly minted one year old and is just the light of our lives! His fight for life and his strength to endure things that most adults haven’t even experienced is astounding. His smile truly lights up a room and he genuinely loves people. Every doctor, nurse, friend, family member and random people where ever we go, fall in love with his endearing smile and joyful demeanor. He is alert and curious, determined and active, smart and strong! He loves snuggling, kisses, rolling and scooting around his room, playing with all his Lovevery toys (, reading books, splashing in water, watching Bluey and Mrs. Rachel, going for walks and being silly. He has overcome so many obstacles as a young baby and continues to defy the stereotypes and negativities surrounding his diagnosis as a one-year-old. He is worthy of life and fully capable of achieving things! Having him in our lives, has taught us many things and has opened our eyes to a different way of life. We have bravely entered into this beautiful and accepting community of The Lucky Few (The Lucky Few Foundation) and we have vowed to be his biggest advocates and to help break down the walls, so that people could know that a Down Syndrome diagnosis is not something to fear, or shame, but rather something to celebrate! That extra chromosome brings extraoraordinary strength and love and joy to those who are privliedged to experience it.

*Scroll down to see more of my favorite photos from Lucas’ photo session below:

Florida Down Syndrome Photographer

Photographing Your Baby at Home

Many clients ask for recommendations on the best locations to capture their babies & families. While there are many gorgeous locations in the Tampa Bay Area, the best location in my honest opinion, is actually your home. Here are eight benefits to capturing your baby at home:

Why should I have my baby photographed at home?

  1. You can stay in your usual daily routine ~ I can arrive at the most convenient time for your baby. The best time to capture your baby’s blossoming little personalities is usually well before or after thier nap .

  2. You do not have to commute to a different location ~ The car ride alone can upset and disrupt your darlings mood or make them sleepy, which can possibly result in a grumpy baby upon arrival.

  3. You do not have to worry about the weather or other outdoor elements ~ Your home is a controlled environment. Things like rain, wind or too much sun are of no concern to you. Outdoor temperatures being too hot or cold, itchy grass or any other unfamiliar elements won’t be an issue.

  4. Your home is the most familiar place for your baby ~ your don’t have to worry about how your baby will react to new and unfamiliar surroundings, sounds, people, etc. Some babies tend to act differently when they are outside of their most familiar place and might tend to become more shy, fearful or quiet, thus making it a bit more challenging to capture their natural temperament.

  5. Your home is the most comfortable place for your baby ~ Just like with newborn sessions, your home is the most comfortable place for your baby because it has everything that they might need; such as, their crib, your soft couches and rugs, favorite blankets, toys and pacifiers. They will typically be the most happy and display their little personalities best at home.

  6. You have the ability to take breaks to fulfill your baby’s needs ~ You can take random breaks if needed to change your baby’s diapers or clothing. You can stop to give your baby snacks, milk or anything else that they might need right out of your own refrigerator or pantry.

  7. You can incorporate your home into the session ~ No need for artificial props or accessories. No need for posing. Your family can actually be their natural and authentic selves. Your entire home can be used. Various couches, the pretty rug on the floor, the coffee table, your baby’s nursery, your kitchen. All I need is window light to capture bright and beautiful images.

  8. Your can save memories of your home and/or your baby’s nursery ~ When capturing your baby at home in their environment, you will always have the memories of what your home used to be when they were very young.

Want to book a lifestyle newborn / older baby session in your home?

Click the link below:

Baby Photography in Tampa, FL.

Going with the Flow: Family Photography

In a perfect world, all of the babies and children we photograph would be cooperative and content; however, we know that is not always the case with little humans! They can be unpredictable and so we have to learn how to go with the flow!

Little ones might be shy, tired, hungry and a whole array of other emotions so it is up to us to work with what we get and strive to create something beautiful despite the challenges. So in other words, we have to go with the flow. Being a Mama of six, I get it! I truly do. I’ve photographed my own babies since birth and know all about their varying emotions. When I enter any photo shoot, I always have my Mama hat on, ready to problem solve and figure out how to handle difficult situations and scenarios and still capture a family authentically.

In this particular session, precious seven-month-old, Eliza, was all smiles at the beginning of our session but about five minutes in she started to get fussy. Little Mama was tired because she missed her nap. We captured as much as we could but she wasn’t having it. Rather than rescheduling, I decided to go with the flow and have patience. My initial thought was to just let her go to sleep. We headed over to the bench, sat down and baby girl peacefully laid in her mother’s arms, rubbing her sleepy eyes and started to dose off. This wasn’t planned at all but I decided to capture these moments and we did a got portion of our shoot with her sleeping in her parents arms. Once she was in a deep sleep, I positioned her like I would a newborn and we photographed all around the area with her asleep. It felt like a newborn session and even though she’s a bit older, she’s still a darling baby so it really just worked out. I was very happy with the results. After a little cat nap, she woke up and was happy again. We finished up the session with her smiling again.

Check out the sneak peeks below ~

Family photo session, Tampa baby photography

Cake Smash and First Birthday Photo Shoot

The one year old photo shoot is a popular session that capture’s the sweet milestone of a baby’s first birthday! <3

This session aims to capture the baby sitting up strongly, crawling, standing & in some cases walking :-) Bright smiles, chubby cheeks & giggling babies usually grace the photos captured and what a delight to photograph their little blooming personalities too! I love incorporating the entire family into the session so no one feels left out and everyone has a blast.

Many families incorporate a “cake smash” portion of the shoot which is one of my favorite things to photograph. This involves a personal cake for the baby to taste, smash and make a huge mess too. In many cases, it’s the baby’s first time tasting cake so it’s adorable to witness and document their reaction to it.

I had the absolute pleasure of photographing this dear family for an extended family/one year old session. They decided to book a longer shoot because they desired a 2-3 hour time slot. This included enough time to change locations & outfits three times. I’ve photographed this particular family since the maternity session of their second daughter. We always have a great and adventurous time! We were literally kicked out of our first park location (thank you Covid), headed to their home for some photos and then ended it at one of my favorite Jupiter locations.

Scroll down to see some of my favorites from their session, including some adorable cake smash photos!

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One year old photo shoot, baby boy, family of five