Photographing Multiples: Twins and Toddlers

Tampa Twins Photography

Photographing multiples and toddlers can be both challenging and rewarding so when I received the inquiry for a newborn session with not only twins but also their two & three year old siblings I was up for the adventure of photographing four kiddos three and under!

Capturing the energy and spontaneity of toddlers requires patience and a flexible approach. When dealing with multiples, such as twins or siblings close in age, it's important to pay attention to their individual personalities while also aiming to create cohesive images that reflect their bond.

For toddlers, keep your sessions short and sweet, allowing them to explore and play while you capture genuine moments. Be prepared to move quickly and have a variety of props or toys on hand to keep their interest.

When photographing multiples, focus on creating compositions that highlight their connection and interactions. Encourage them to engage with each other naturally while also guiding them when needed to ensure you get the shots you envision.

Overall, photographing multiples and toddlers requires a balance of patience, creativity, and spontaneity. Embrace the chaos, enjoy the process, and let their personalities shine through your lens.

*Session Highlight: I arrived at this multiples session and it was probably one of the most peaceful settings, considering the fact that four little ones resided there. The twins were fast asleep so we swaddled them up with my soft cloth wraps and jumped right into it. The older two were as sweet as could be and did very well with cooperating for all of the photos :-) It was super smooth and we were able to get all of these shoots in about 2 hours. We ended our session with the twins swaddled together in a basket.

Check out a glimpse into the photo shoot below:

Tampa lifestyle newborn photography twins