The Hybrid Approach: Mixing Portrait & Lifestyle Photography

Mixing traditional portraiture and lifestyle photography for family sessions seems to be a natural approach for many photographers.

My mentor, Elena S. Blair, called it “the hybrid approach” & it seems fitting. It is the approach I will be taking to photograph families in Tampa, FL.

After scheduling a session, planning out all of the details (date, time & location) and coordinating clothing for everyone a family is excited and ready for their photo session. They typically show up to their desired location, on their scheduled date, dressed adorably and ready to have us photographers work our magic :-) It is up to us to make it happen!

In order to ease them into the session, we chat a little bit, discuss ideas and client expectations and then I position everyone into our first “pose.” Most people claim that they feel awkward or that they don’t know what to do and so they trust us to help them get comfortable enough to bring down those walls and work towards capturing their family’s essence and love. After capturing a few “perfect” (everyone looking and smiling) shots, we usually ease into those more natural type shots that everyone loves, where family members are interacting with each other (holding hands, kissing, hugging, laughing, walking, running, playing, etc.). This is when the lifestyle approach blossoms into something special <3

Click the link below to view a blogpost that highlights “the lifestyle approach”

As for this session, I have photographed this lovely family for the past several years at various locations and in their home for lifestyle newborn sessions :-) It is always a fun adventure and I always treasure the time I get to spend with them. I captured them using a good mix of portraiture and lifestyle.

Here is a positive review from the Mama:

“ I HAD to text you at midnight because our pictures are just the BEST! Athena!! I’ve only gotten to view them on my phone, so I can’t imagine what it will look like much bigger on my computer. I think you outdo yourself every single year and I always worry that our kids were grouchy or fussy or our outfits not coordinated enough, etc. but you just delver the magic. You have such an eye and such a talent. The Lord is so kind in giving you this ability and gift.”

-Giselle R. of Hobe Sound, FL

Adventurous family photo shoot at a park